My fourth design challenge ended up being a little less of a “pretty” mess, and more of a dark one. When ideating, I wanted to look at how the seven deadly sins were most relevant to modern culture. I think the idea of “sins” is a little antiquated, and so are the sins themselves. I wanted to create work that made a statement, and held some cultural relevance to how we function as a society.

I found that I could relate all of the sins to consumer culture, as well as various aspects of consumerism. Originally, I wanted to make composites that spoke to all of the negative outcomes I had determined (in blue), but I didn’t enjoy getting too political and so I stuck to an environmental focus - how our “sins” in everyday life will eventually lead to the destruction of our planet.
I believe that each image can speak to more than one sin (as seen in my mind map), but I created each with a single sin in mind. I wanted to depict what our future may look like if we let our "sins" drive us.

American culture has a dependence on convenience, which creates a lot of unnecessary waste. Without a fundamental change in our habits, our future could end up surrounded by our own waste. Although we are aware of this, many people have such little desire to change, because convenience is easy, and and we fall prey to sloth and fail to ever change.

We are continuously told by leaders that climate change is a hoax, that it isn't real, even with obvious evidence that it is real. Oil and gas corporations know this, but it would cause them to lose in their industry, so greed for wealth continues to stall any progress towards a greener society.

Although gluttony is traditionally thought of in a food sense, I think that it also applies to our mass use of resources. We fail to realize how many living beings we share this earth with, and continue to mass consume natural resources at an alarming rate.

More Ideation, including mini sketches of various ideas