For our project, we decided to do a design intervention for the crowded sidewalks on campus. Our concern was not only the congestion but how most people's walk to class is a mundane and unenjoyable part of their day. Based on material testing and prototyping, we decided to use tape to create patterns in crowded areas to accomplish different purposes. We decided to use three different designs: one to assist traffic, one to disrupt traffic, and one that could just add some fun to the everyday walk to class. Our assistive design divided up the walkway in half, and then had arrows on either side indicating the direction of traffic. We picked the arrow directions based on an observation of how people typically walked in that space. Behind that design, we added or disruptive design, which was a "lava" pit. We created two lines perpendicular to the walkway, and labeled the inside as the "lava". Our last design was hopscotch, which we hoped would add a bit of fun to people's walk. We placed this in the middle of the walkway so either walking direction could access it. We choose two areas that get a pretty significant amount of traffic, and tend to be problem areas for traffic. Before implementing the design, we watched and recorded the area just to get an idea of how traffic moves without the intervention. Then, we implemented the interventions as seen in the video below.
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