This lab is all about modeling and rendering our idea for our final project. Because of our lack of access to digital fabrication machines, my initial idea for my final project was going to be hard to do. I decided to take the final project option of making a physical object with material I was able to fabricate.
I am going to do a sewing and fabric based project. I want to make a really structured corset top with a puff sleeve using boning and other advanced techniques. I've been sewing for most of my life, and worked with boning before so it is within a reasonable scope for my skill level.
To model this project, I first wanted to model my own torso, which was not easy.I took photos of my front and side and brought them into rhino to trace out curves. Also, this is not how I usually plan out sewing projects at all, modeling myself and clothes is not something I've ever done before. I will still be using a base pattern to get the correct shape, but altering it to fit my own design.

To create a solid shape, I outlined a few more curves and then lofted them to form a surface. This took a few tries of adding and adjusting curves before I got a shape I was happy with.

To model the corset, I duplicated the surface I sued for the torso, and outlines curves to cute the desired shape for the top of the corset. I used split to split the surface at the curves, and then deleted the appropriate pieces and used join the put the surface back together.

I decided to render my model in Rhino. To create the scene, I turned the torso into a dress form by adding a stand for it to sit on. Then, I added some walls to make the room. I chose to model the dress form out of wood and the stand out of metal for a nice aesthetic. I rendered the corset with a green gingham material from Rhino's library. I had originally wanted to use a purple gingham, so I thought this was a good substitute. I made the walls a peach plaster to provide a nice contrasting color to the green fabric. I had to extend the width of the corset surface to get rid of the glitch caused by the surface overlapping.