For my observation, I chose the concert I went to this weekend at the Fillmore Auditorium in Denver. I was feeling sick, so instead of being in the crowd, we sat up on the balcony overlooking the audience and had a great people-watching view. We were there an hour before the show even started, so there was plenty of time to watch people. Most people would generally move to the front pit area, even though there was nothing really to watch. Once the show actually started, people filled up the front pit area a lot more. Around the pit, there were side areas with bars, and some people who were sitting, drinking and conversing. Behind the front pit, there were a few increasing stairs with rails that some people stood on, usually gravitating towards the rail. I think the rails act as a barrier, because they separate the people on the steps and allow for those behind it to get a better view. People who wanted to dance usually were at the back of the venue, close to under the balcony we were on. Of course, the main crowd dances, but the people in the back really dance, creating their own dance floor by gliding around to form a space, and others would join them in that space. Watching the dynamics of the people around the dancers was interesting, some would cheer them on, others who didn’t even notice would almost run into them.
The most unused areas, in my opinion, were the side areas, particularly the water areas. They weren’t placed well, but I was also already salty that they didn’t let me bring in a water bottle, so my personal opinion could affect that. I think that the water a drink areas at the venue could be used as more relaxation areas, to give people a break from the intensity of the concert. There also aren’t a lot of spaces for people to get a break from the noise/volume, either to talk or just rest their ears. I think having a space like this could be very beneficial.
I didn’t take many photos, I forgot because I was more in the moment at the concert, but I did take some videos.