For our food-based project, we ideated based on our various concerns around food.
Helps with food allergies 
What to avoid 
Lactose intolerant 
Read packages/food and lets you know

Resturants - show what ingredients are 
App that scans a menu 
Like to eat out = want to do for cheap
Group community rate
Certain days of the week this place/meal ½ off 
Know when cheap food is good/portion 

Sharing Food
Students who have to cook own food 
shopping for one person food going bad
easier to feed one or more person 
Dinner party 
Hate buying and having it go bad 
Similar diets 
Neighborhood food sharing 
Food waste - environmental 
France - will create meals that are about to go bad and sell 
Give and take - not only take 
discounted prices 
Barter system 
Created a meal or you have leftovers 
more sense of selling it 
compensating those who cook it 
Post listing… 
I have leftovers…

After taking notes, we all seemed to have the most concerns around food waste as college students cooking for themselves. Our final app idea was to create an app that would allow college students to share extra ingredients, meals, or leftovers with other students. Our solution can help students save money and save the planet by reducing food waste. 
We outlined our ideas and pages for the app as follows:
Final Point of View / Design Solution 

Point of View
Helping with food waste and sharing… 
It’s not easy to cook for one person 
Hard to buy in-serving ingredients 
Expensive to eat out (especially with a food intolerance) 

App “Neighborhood Fridge”

Launch Page
Click for details
Item Details: 
Look to adding item criteria
Food Safety Information
Adding an item:
Type: Meal or Ingredient
Meals - List ingredients, Servings
Ingredient - type, amount, how long it is good until
Transaction or Sharing
Transaction: Free, Payment, Trade
Sharing: Add description of details
Storage Type
Refrigerated, Frozen, Fresh, Non-perishables (ingredients only)
Expiration Date
Manually set
All non-perishables or frozens expire 1 week
Give notifications before listing expires
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