For the first part, we needed to model 3 different objects we would be interested in unrolling. I modeled a vase, a flower pot, and a gemstone/diamond.
To create the vase, I simply created a side curve and revolved it a full circle, then capped the solid and removed the top cap.

To create the diamond, I created a singular side facet, and used array polar to duplicate it around into a full gemstone shape. I created a circular curve a bit smaller above the facets to act as the top of the shape, and then lofted everything together. I capped the shape to make it solid.

To create the flower pot, I made curves the would outline the general shape of the bottom and rim of my pot. U lofted and capped these separately as a bottom and rim piece, then exploded both of them to remove the intersecting pieces and the top. I used boolean union to join them into a single solid.

I converted all of my shapes into a mesh, and then triangulated my rounder shapes (the vase and pot) to create more abstract forms. Then I converted the meshes back to surfaces, and unrolled the surfaces without exploding to maintain them as a single shape. For the diamond, I unrolled it without changing the surface because it was already a very geometric shape, and it worked out quite well. I would unroll the diamond if this lab had not been interrupted by coronavirus.

I wasn't able to unroll my own models due to interruption by coronavirus. I also don't have a printer to use, so I modeled a simple cube by hand. I used an index card, measured and cut into a square to trace out a pattern for my cube. I traced a t-shape pattern onto watercolor paper, which is a bit heavier than printer paper. Then, I added tabs that would be wide enough to fit scrapbooking adhesive squares I have.

Then, I cut out my pattern, and scored along fold lines with a bone folder.

Then, I folded up my cube. I used the adhesive squares to attached my tabs on the inside, so they would be hidden.

For this section, I chose to print my reese's model from the last lab, a tiny and interesting vase, and the pot from my unrolling objects. I was able to print the reese's and the vase before getting interrupted by the coronavirus. The vase and pot were supposed the be my functional-in-real-life objects, but I accidentally printed my vase solid, so it doesn't really serve a function anymore.